Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to Develop Memorization Skills?

"Photographic Memory" is one of the wonders of the brain & I am sure you would love to develop it in Your Child. But before moving towards it A basic groundwork for the Brain is very important.
Lets Start it with developing "Memorization Skills" first.
To recall any information educational Games & computerization Drills & its frequent practice is most important. These memorization skills can easily works into childs daily activity.
Following are some ways to develop memorization skills.------
  • To develop memorization skills flash cards are an effective learning tool used to help young children . This technique is usefull before your child goes to school & also such children whohas just started the schooling & getting the repetative exposure to colors, shapes & vocabulary words. Later, flash cards can be used to help develop language skills and learn basic math concepts. Flash cards also help students to memorize facts.
  • To teach children to remember things few simple tricks can be used . Singing numbers to a tune or making a game of asking your child to memorize the license plates from passing vehicles while riding in the car can be highly successful.
  • This step is important as you have to reserve one evening each week devoted to the family game night. To stimulate any active mind choose a game like word or board games.
  • When your new born child was crying in its early days what you did? Do you remember? You sung a lullaby or any song & that made your baby quiet instantly. Yes! this common sense you have to use now . Make Learning fun. To remember your child easily incorporate key facts into lively songs that helps. You have to be creative as children love music & songs. The best way is to create songs by adding numbers as a math concept. This will provide a solid memory aid.
  • Keep the track & recollect whats you learned previously. Take care that your child would not feel your teaching burdonsome. If you feel that its tired and not taking any interest to learn stop it immediately. Your child should not get Bored.

These steps will help you to take your first step to develop photographic memory brain of your child.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Techniques to Develop Photographic Memory

Today I am delivering you some of the techniques which can help you Develop Photographic memory:

I am not telling you something very new, the thing is that you know it but you are not using it. You know when you see any TV serial or any movie you can keep it in your mind at least 2 days, Right? But if I will tell you same story of that movie or serial verbally, will you be able to keep it in your mind up to 2hrs? with the frequency that you saw it? The answer is "NO".

The folwing are the steps=
First of all, take the help of the link system to perform all kinds of memory work. The link system is extremely useful in memorizing long lists of things or chores. For example, in order to memorize a long shopping list, take all the items in it and link them in order to create a mental scenario. Let us say your shopping list contains flowers, saree, chair, doll, lampshed, books. To memorize this list, imagine FLOWERS are printed on SAREE, SAREE is tied with CHAIR, DOLL is seated on CHAIR & holds LAMPSHED in 1 hans & BOOKS in other hand. Similarly, create mental images out of all these items and you will be able to develop photographic memory. In this way, you will be able to remember this list easily and for a long time.

Secondly, the peg system is also effective in helping you develop photographic memory. Peg system is used for memorizing certain images in a proper sequence. The number-shape technique can help you in memorizing series of images accurately. For example, to remember a list of animals including cat, mouse, dog, giraffe and elephant in the same sequence, first of all attach a number with each picture, say 1 cat, 2 mice, 3 dogs, 4 giraffe and likewise. Simultaneously, make use of your mental scenario in order to make optimum use of the peg system. Use the same technique as in the link system to memorize this series of animals. Link all animals with each other and memorize it effectively.

The third Technique is the most popular one, which is called as the mind mapping technique. This technique was extremely popular and encouraged even in schools. However, with the passage of time, people lost interest in this technique as they found it difficult to use. But this is not always true. The mind mapping technique can often be quite simple to use depending on the area in which it is being used. In this technique, you have to take the central image of the information and branch out all related information. This technique is extremely useful for organizing a timetable or for storing huge amounts of information.

So that we can come to the conclusion that developing photographic memory is not a difficult task. Even if you are not born with a gifted photographic memory, you can take help of these tricks and apply them to improve your memory and memorization skills.